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This Government page keeps you up to date on REBOUND's legislative activities.  The legislation listed was heard during the 2007 Session.  We are currently working on 2008 Legislation.  This page is continually updated to reflect our ongoing efforts on the legislative front, so keep checking back for the latest updates on the legislative progress.
The legislative links on this page will take you to the most recent version of the legislation.  To view the history and progress of a bill, and to see the Bill Analyses, Reports and Fiscal Notes, simply click on: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=1244&year=2007 
HB 1244 - Defining Wages For Industrial Insurance
This is Labor's Hour Bank Bill.  It will protect workers from four-quarter averaging when their industrial insurance benefits are calculated.  The bill has passed the Legislature and on 4/20/07 it was delivered to the Governor for signature.  On May 2, 2007, Governor Christine Gregoire signed the bill into law.  It becomes effective on July 22, 2007. 
HB 1370 - Excludes Public Employees From Prevailing Wage Law

This bill closes a loophole in the existing prevailing wage law, which now only excludes public employees who are paid on a monthly or per-diem basis.  Those paid on any other basis (hourly, weekly, bi-monthly, etc.), are not specifically excluded as the law is currently written. Because public employees work on a full-time, full year basis with guaranteed benefits, their wages are lower than those established for regular, outside construction workers.  This bill would exclude all public workers from coverage under the law, and participation in prevailing wage surveys, thus protecting the higher wages of regular construction workers. This bill is L&I requested legislation, and is fully supported by Labor, which has worked in tandem with L&I to bring the bill forward.  Governor Christine Gregoire signed the bill on April 21, 2007 and it becomes effective July 22, 2007.

HB 1506 - Public Works Contracting Procedures

This Legislation is the result of work by the Capital Projects Advisory Review Board [CPARB] which was established by the Legislature in 2006 to review traditional and alternative public works contracting procedures, and extending these to 2014.  The bill establishes a Project Review Committee to approve the use of GC/CM and Design-Build by public agencies, which must be certified by the Committee.  The bill also provides that Signatory General Contractors not be required to violate their collective bargaining agreements by subcontracting with non-union contractors who may have submitted the lowest bid.  This bill is supported by Labor, which is represented on CPARB.  This bill was signed by Governor Christine Gregoire on May 15, 2007.

HB 1597 - Requires Workers to Carry Licenses

This bill would require Plumbing, Electrical, and Conveyance workers to have required licenses, certificates, or permits in their possession while working.  Labor supports this bill and has worked to bring it forward. On 3/15/07 it was returned to the Rules Committee for Second Reading. There has been no further action on this bill.

SHB 1811 - Installing Sprinkler Systems in NIghtclubs

This bill extends the timeline for requiring Nightclubs to have Sprinkler Systems installed from 2007 to 2009.  The bill also provides a property tax exemption and a B&O Tax Credit for having the work performed, and it extends these benefits to Leasees. On May 11, 2007, Governor Christine Gregoire partially vetoed this bill.

HB 1843 - Provisions Regulating Contractors

This bill modifies the provisions which regulate contractors. The bill would include Developers in the definition of Contractor and make it a Gross Misdemeanor to subcontract with, or to employ, an unregistered contractor. On May 11, 2007, Governor Christine Gregoire signed the bill into law.

HB 1876 - Certification of HVAC Workers

This bill would providing for the certification of mechanics performing heating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigeration, and gas piping work.  Labor is in support of this bill.  On 4/22/07 the bill was referred to Rules and, by resolution, referred to House Rules Committee for third reading, but it was not brought for a legislative vote during this session.

HB 1898 - Apprenticeship Utilization for School Districts

This bill would provide Apprenticeship Utilization Requirements for School Districts on public works projects.  Labor is in full support of this legislation.  On May 11, 2007, Governor Christine Gregoire signed the bill into law.

HB 1908 - Out-of-State Offsite Prefabrication

This bill would revise the coverage of workers under prevailing wage law to include a requirement that out-of-state workers who are involved in the prefabrication of non-standard items for installation on a public works project in WA, be paid the established prevailing wage rates for the County in which the prefabricated items will be installed. The bill did not pass during this session.

HB 1919 - Apprenticeship Utilization for Port Districts

This bill would establish an Apprenticeship Utilization Requirement public works contracts performed by Port Districts.  Labor supports this legislation. The bill did not pass during this session.

HB 1968 - Certification of Sprinkler Fitters

This bill would require that all Sprinkler Fitters qualify to receive State Certification and that they must be certified by the State to perform work in WA.  Labor fully supports this legislation.  On May 11, 2007, Governor Christine Gregoire signed the bill into law.

HB 2010 - Responsible Bidder Criteria

This bill was developed by the Industrywide Subcommittee of the Capital Projects Advisory Review Board [CPARB] on which Labor serves.  It provides a definition of the word "responsible" in the context of the "lowest responsible bidder."  The bill adds a requirement that General Contractors be responsible for checking that those with whom they subcontract also meet the same criteria established in the law to be determined to be responsible.  The bill also extends this requirement to Subcontractors and their sub-tier Subcontractors. On April 19, 2007, Governor Christine Gregoire signed this bill into law, effective July 22, 2007.

Pilot Program for Vocational Rehabilitation Services

This bill establishes a pilot program which revises and enhances the Voc Rehab Program. Among other elements, it increases the amount of money which may be allocated and requires the State to enter into a partnership with WorkSource. A subcommittee is established to review the pilot program and recommend necessary changes. On April 12, 2007 it was delivered to the Governor for signature. On April 18, 2007, Governor Christine Gregoire, signed it into law.  It becomes effective on January 1, 2008.

SB 5926 - Underground Economy Task Force

This bill would create a Joint Legislative Task Force to study and report on the impact of the Underground Economy in Washington's Construction Industry. Labor fully supports this legislation. On May 2, 2007 the bill was signed into law by Governor Christine Gregoire, and it becomes effective on May 2, 2007.